Details: Category: Planasport | Last Updated: 05 October 2013 | Hits: 9106

Getting started with a new system can be a daunting task. We've created this seven step guide to help you though the initial phase.

1. Association Details

Enter the details of your Referee Association in the site configuration. Things like your full association name and ABN which will appear on invoices, whether or not your association is GST registered, and invoice header, footer, and payment note text.

2.Your Association Logo

All of your invoices and sales receipts carry your logo. To make sure this renders correctly, send us your association logo or point us to a web site where we can grab a copy, then we'll ensure that the invoices look as professional as possible. The logo is printed at around 140 x 140 pixels so an original of at least that size, preferably larger, is required.

3. Site Configuration Options

Site configuration covers a whole raft of questions about how the site should work for you. Things like which email addresses to use for bounced mail handling, referee payment methods, what events trigger SMS and email notifications, invoice payment terms, and how to link to your main association web page.

4. Membership Details

This can be tricky depending on how you've managed your membership details in the past but we'll be there to help you. If you can provide your referee details in a spreadsheet or CSV file we can bulk load the system. We'll need the following: First Name, Middle Initial (optional), Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Referee Number (FFA ID), Referee Qualify Date, email address, and postal address. Your referees can fill in the rest of their details themselves later on.

5. Clubs

In your district there are relatively few football clubs and these can be entered online. We can help you with converting your club information to use with Planasport.

6. Divisions, Grades, and Leagues

Terminology varies between districts so you may need our help to get this one sorted out. The way we view it is that a Division is an age grouping like Men's 18 years, Men's All Age, or Women's 16 years. Premier League is also a Division although a specific age isn't mentioned. Then comes Grades. Each Division breaks down into Grades based on skill level. For example, you may have a Men's 18 years Division broken down into Grades A, B, C, and D. Continuing this example, all Men's 18 years Grade A teams play in the same League. Same for each of the other Grades. The Planasport system generates the Leagues based on the Divisions and Grades you define so is isn't onerous to create all the Leagues individually.

7. Competitions

The Planasport system allows unlimited competitions and multiple competitions can run concurrently. Each competition is supported by a billing model. Once a competition is created, all you need to do next is go to the League Maintenance pages and generate all the Leagues for that competition.

Once these seven steps are complete you're ready to start appointing referees.


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