Planasport uses an electronic issue tracking system to ensure correct and timely resolution of issues. If you have a support request please send an email to the email address specified for your association in the Schedule to your Support Agreement. Your designated association administrator should have this information.
To help us to better help you please include the following information when applicable:
♦ Your name and contact details. If it is urgent then an office or mobile phone number might be helpful.
♦ A description of the problem with sufficient detail for us to understand what you were attempting to do at the time.
♦ A copy of any error message displayed on the screen. The date and approximate time of day when the error occurred. This helps us track down the error in the application log files.
♦ The "breadcrumbs" for the web page. Each web page has a breadcrumb in the web form. This indicates the name of the page and where it sits in the application menu. For example "Administration -> Competition" or "Competition Registration"
♦ If the issue is urgent or not. This helps us determine how to respond to your support request. For example, sometimes it may be better to pick up the phone and talk through any questions or clarifications rather than rely on email.
♦ A screenshot showing the error or the page you were on.
♦ Attach any file that you were attempting to upload.
Once the email is processed by the issue tracking system you will receive an automated reply indicating the support issue number that has been allocated to your issue. Please use this issue number in all subsequent correspondence regarding this issue. If the issue number is in the subject line of the email it will be attached to the correct issue automatically. Simply click "Reply To" to ensure that your correspondence is routed correctly. Failure to do so may result in delays in resolving the issue.