Ease the appointing workload for your association officers Improve and simplify communications Simplify invoicing, payments, and financial tracking Membership records and referee development

Using Planasport brings a number of advantages over traditional membership management using a laptop or desktop computer with a collection of spreadsheets and various other programs.

The Planasport site is accessible 24/7 since it is not dependent on an individual's laptop or PC. There is no software to install or maintain. The web site can't be lost, stolen, or left on a train.

Your information is backed up automatically, every day, to secure, encrypted cloud storage.

Not only is the Planasport site always available, all your members can use it at the same time. Everyone who needs to has access to the latest, most accurate information.

Planasport implements role based access security which is controlled by your nominated association administrator. As officers change position or your association changes over time, roles can be delegated easily. More than one person can have access to a Planasport role. This means that your existing officer can train up an assistant to eventually take over a role. This helps provide your association with a depth of knowledge and continuity.

We've found that the two crucial issues for all associations are communications and cash flow. Planasport addresses these specific issues.

On the communications side, referees need to provide the appointments officer with up to date information about their availability to referee on any particular day. Flowing back from the association to the membership there needs to be clear and easy communication about appointments so that referees can plan their time around their commitments. By making the appointments officer's job easier, a higher quality of appointing can be achieved with more fixtures covered and more consideration for referees preferences.

On the cash flow side, regardless of which levies billing model your association uses, timely collections and distribution of funds results in financial benefits for the association and better morale for the membership.

It's about lightening the load for appointments officers, treasurers, and membership managers while improving the quality and professionalism of the association for all involved.

Scheduling  ◊  Communications  ◊  Membership  ◊  Financials ◊ Automation